Let’s face it. Oldtimers like me (I am 46 when writing this post) usually want to be strong, fit and lean. Or they want a sport-specific strength training. But young dudes? Hey, they want to be strong and jacked. Well, it is actually quite simple. You combine a time-tested strength training of multiple sets and low reps with bodybuilding hypertrophy training typically with higher reps and medium weights. It gives the lifter a variety of both worlds, big compund lifts and isolation movements for the bodybuilding exercises.
The variations are endless and you should never get bored. The big compound lifts are progressed in the block periodisation pattern while the assistance exercises can be done to 1-2 reps shy of failure with perfect form and medium-heavy weights. I would still not do the typical 1x week main lift as the frequency is too low, I would do the main lifts twice a week, once in the strength pattern and once in the assitance pattern, possibly a variation of the big lift (safety squat bar for squat, RDL for deadlift, OHP for bench press, etc.)
You could progress the big lifts as follows:
week 1: 5×5 @ 65%
week 2: 4×5 (4 sets of 5) @ 70%
week 3: 4×4 @ 75%
week 4: 5×3 @ 80%
week 5: 4×2 @ 85%
deload on week 6 and start over
Example of the 1st powerbuilding week might look like:
squat 5×5 @ 65%
behind the neck press 3 sets of 8
Bulgarian split squats 3×6
lying leg curl 4×5
hanging leg raises 3×12
bench press 5×5 @ 65%
RDL 3×6
triceps pushdowns 6×10
DB rows 3×12
hammer curl 4×6
deadlift 5×5 @ 65%
SSB squat 3×6
DB bench press 4×8
hypers 5×5
face pulls 3×12
This should build tons of strength AND muscle.