This is my daily chat with #RunBlogRun viewers and track fans on track & field!
This is #CoffeeWithLarry for Thursday, January 25, 2024.
#CoffeewithLarry is sponsored by #Jambar!
Jambar is the original organic artisan energy bar, developed by Jenny Maxwell in 2021. Jenny and her late husband,
Brian Maxwell invented the category in 1985 and sold PowerBar in 2000. Jenny spent the last two decades raising their children and being a drummer in two rock bands. Jambar is now our first sponsor for #CoffeeWithLarry; check it out here: www.jambar.com. Coaches, please use the code JBCoach-10%off! If you are an individual runner or track fan,
please go to www.jambar.com and use the Code Larry15 % off!
1. January 27, 2024 is busy!
Here are links to five big meets (thanks to Owen M):
Track meet links for this weekend

Astana – https://sport-online.kz/showresults/?s=65a605d8b4666
Arkansas – https://flashresults.com/2024_Meets/Indoor/01-26_Razorback/index.htm
Val-de-Reuil – https://2track.run/en/events/meeting-de-leure-2024/participants
Nantes – https://2track.run/en/events/meeting-de-nantes-metropole/participants
Boston – http://live.lancertiming.com/meets/193/events
Houston – https://live.flashresultstexas.com/meets/29100
2. New Balance Indoor Grand Prix on February 4, 2024, check out ticket availability on www.nbindoorgrandprix.com.
3. The U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials is just a week away, here is our piece on the Trials! Running Network -The U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon, http://runningnetwork.com/index.php/news/331-2024-u-s-olympic-trials-marathon-trials

4. Here is my story on the 73rd birthday of Steve Prefontaine, posted on AmericanTrackandField.com,
Happy B-day Pre
5. Remember the USATF Indoor Champs will be awesome in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on February 16-17, 2024, www.usatf.org.
6. This is a fun piece on Emily Sisson that I wrote for Missouri Runner & Triathlete – Emily Sisson

© 2022 Bank of America Chicago Marathon/Kevin Morris
7. The RAK Half marathon is a monthly long sponsor for #RunBlogRun and #CoffeewithLarry. The event is Feb. 24, 2024, You can sign up at www.therakhalfmarathon.com. RunBlogRun will be on site and covering the event LIVE the week of Fe. 20-24.

8. The World Champs Indoors, Glasgow, Scotland, are March 1-3, 2024, https://worldathletics.org/competitions/world-athletics-indoor-championships/glasgow24

9. The World Indoor Tour Gold meetings begin tomorrow, January 27, 2024:
Gold Level Meetings (7)
27 Jan Astana Indoor Meet for Amin Tuyakov Prizes Astana Kazakhstan
30 Jan Czech Indoor Gala Ostrava Czech Republic
4 Feb New Balance Indoor Grand Prix Boston United States
6 Feb ORLEN Copernicus Cup Toruń Poland
10 Feb Meeting Hauts-de-France Pas-de-Calais “Trophée EDF” Liévin France
11 Feb Millrose Games New York City United States
23 Feb World Indoor Tour Gold Madrid
See you on Friday at #CoffeeWithLarry.
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