The Chicago Bulls celebrated their first-ever Ring of Honor 1995-96 class on Friday night at the United Center, but the event was marred when some fans booed late general manager Jerry Krause, with his widow Thelma being comforted by players like Ron Harper.
Here’s what NBA Twitter said about such an ugly moment:
The Last Dance put everyone but Jordan in a negative light. There was no reason to boo the late Krause while he’s represented by his widowed wife . https://t.co/PdQXbQpjWV
(@HenryTheBlasian) January 13, 2024
The whole arena wasn’t booing and it turned to applause by the end of his introduction, but still booing Jerry Krause’s widow is some psycho shit.
I’m not sure this would’ve happened without The Last Dance either. Portrayed Krause as a rat.
Even if he was….booing a widow is… pic.twitter.com/2N12UulXGT
— Jack McGuire (@JackMacCFB) January 13, 2024
When Jerry Krause was still alive he told me getting booed by Bulls fans only bothered him when his wife was present and she got upset, which makes the fact that she was the one who had to hear the boos tonight even sadder. https://t.co/NQvPS0bhgT
— J.A. Adande (@jadande) January 13, 2024
Jerry Krause was one of the best basketball executives ever. Being more mad at him that Reinsdorf didn’t want to pay for another year of the dynasty Bulls than to appreciate of him for building that team in the first place is dumb. But it is VILE to boo his WIDOW for it. awful.
— Kev | Stop Genocides in Palestine & DRC & Yemen! (@NBACouchside) January 13, 2024
The fans are vile idiots, but the whole thing was ill-conceived and poorly executed. MJ and Pip were never going to show because they hate each other. Not exactly a shocker fans boo a pic of Krause on the Jumbotron, just awful his widow had to face it. A big self-inflicted wound.
— Ricky O’Donnell (@SBN_Ricky) January 13, 2024
No one forced anyone to clap, cheer or celebrate Jerry Krause.
All you had to do was not boo.
That’s it.
If you couldn’t contain your resentment for 15 seconds, you’re fuckwit.
It really is that simple.
— Mark K (@mkhoops) January 13, 2024
There’s a huge difference between a long-form documentary that features legitimately justified criticism (but also praise) of Jerry Krause, and so-called fans booing the man’s memory on a night of celebration.
— Richard Roeper (@RichardERoeper) January 13, 2024
Putting aside the classlessness of booing Jerry Krause’s widow for a second… imagine enduring a quarter century of irrelevance only to boo one of the key figures of all six of your championship teams. You’ve had decades to learn what’s boo-worthy and you’re still mad at Krause?
— Sam Quinn (@SamQuinnCBS) January 13, 2024
I’m a 90s kid. Grew up on the MJ Bulls. I had feelings about Jerry Krause. I also respect his part in building the dynasty. Also he’s gone. Booing his wife was the most disgusting shit I’ve ever seen in my life.
— illwill (@79illwill) January 13, 2024
I’m not from Chicago, and I’m not a Bulls fan. But I don’t get the logic behind booing the GM who oversaw all six titles your team won. Especially when he has passed. Even worse when it’s his widow there to accept the honor on his behalf and making her sit through that.
— 500
(@Kameron_Hay) January 13, 2024
I’m starting to understand the people who say The Last Dance was just Jordan Propaganda after what bulls fans did to Jerry Krause wife
— John Baione (@OJSIMPS0NBURNER) January 13, 2024
Feel like Michael Jordan should ultimately apologize for people booing Jerry Krause’s widow because the only reason any of them care is MJ made sure last dance was as psychotically vindictive as he is
— tyson brody (@tysonbrody) January 13, 2024
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