Find out how this year’s CrossFit Masters Games aims to give a spotlight to this highly competitive division.
Details about the Masters CrossFit Games by Legends were recently announced via social media, and we now know the dates and location of their end-of-season championship. Here’s what you need to know.
The CrossFit Masters Games: Dates and Location
The event will take place over Labor Day weekend, August 29 – September 1, 2024, in Birmingham, Alabama, with the following three categories of Teams:
- 20 teams, ages 35-44
- 20 teams, ages 45-54
- 10 teams, ages 55-plus
(Note: To be eligible for the new community team event, you must qualify for and register for the CrossFit Quarterfinals.)
In addition to the current age groups, there will be a 70-plus individual age group trial division.
Changes to the Masters Division
Some background: CrossFit announced some big changes after the 2023 Games, including the fact that the masters, teens, and adaptive divisions will now have their own separate events in 2024. Each of these divisions is run independently, with the support of CrossFit. Here are the details:
The Legends Masters Championship has been a successful event for years, showcasing some of the best in the sport aged 35 and up. Co-founders Joe Linton and Bob Jennings believe that with CrossFit’s support, they can create an even better Games experience for masters.
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The location choice of Birmingham, Alabama, made sense for the Legends crew, citing the thriving CrossFit community there and the proximity to the Atlanta airport, one of the busiest in the world. Linton weighs in on the decision to host the event at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Center.
- “The focus was on athlete experience. Factors that came into play included a big enough space to handle three fields of play indoors, a city that would roll out the red carpet for us, and easily accessible for athletes in the U.S. and other countries,” Linton tells the Morning Chalk Up.
The change does not come without challenges, but Jennings believes the positives far outweigh any negatives and that the outcome will be well worth it.
- “Maybe from a spectator perspective it is nice to be able to see all the divisions at one venue during one weekend, but these are the trade-offs that need to be made to give the athletes their own ‘center stage,’” Jennings tells Morning Chalk Up.
The Masters Games by Legends will be held on the same weekend as the Pit Teen Throwdown. On a recent episode of Talking Elite Fitness, Jennings mentioned that this was not their intention, but it was the only option this year, having limited time to secure a venue.
- “It wasn’t the desired date, but when you take into account all the other factors that go into deciding on a venue, unfortunately, it was the date we settled on. We do not plan on sharing a date next year, if possible,” Jennings said.
Linton and Jennings are excited about the possibilities that the new event creates for brands and athletes and to grow the sport as a whole.
- “This is an opportunity for brands to target specific audiences. And, frankly, what is a more attractive audience than the masters community? A highly attractive demographic with plenty of disposable income,” Jennings says.
New opportunities: One brand that is growing its presence in the masters community is Reyllen Fitness. They have signed on as the official grip sponsor of The CrossFit Masters Games by Legends and signed multi-year masters champion Jason Grubb as a sponsored athlete.
Based in the UK, Reyllen is expanding rapidly in the U.S. with the Reyllen U.S. division, run by masters athlete Clay Hamilton. Owner Maros Forgac believes the masters community is a great match for the brand.
- “Our slogan is ‘For Every Athlete’ and our focus is athletes of all levels and ages, therefore being a grip sponsor for Masters Games aligns with what we stand for perfectly,” Forgac tells Morning Chalk Up.
- “The Masters Games provide an excellent platform for us to be able to show who we are and what we are about,” Forgac continues. “We will be on-site to meet and greet all the athletes. Each athlete will have personalized recommendation and sizing fit for their fresh pair of Reyllen grips.”
If history repeats itself, one of those athletes will be Grubb, who shared his sentiment of the positive change.
- “The expansion of the Masters categories at the CrossFit Games is a monumental step forward for athletes like myself and others. This expansion means not just more opportunities to compete, but also a richer, more varied competitive experience,” Grubb says.
- “While there are challenges with any significant change, the expansion of the Masters CrossFit Games represents a pivotal evolution in the sport. It underscores a commitment to inclusivity and recognition for athletes of all ages.”
The bottom line: The CrossFit season is upon us, and the Masters Games by Legends is sure to deliver an exciting event come Labor Day weekend in Birmingham. When asked about his hopes for the 2024 season, Jennings had this to share:
“It’s pretty simple – Fun. For the athletes, the sponsors, volunteers, staff, fans. Otherwise, what the hell is the point?”
Featured image: @jasongrubb_fitness / Instagram
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