© Getty Images Sport – Phil Inglis / Stringer
Based on the length of the hole and the shots required to reach the green, golf course holes are divided into par 3, par 4 and par 5. Nothing new for golfers who have explained this concept countless times to non-golfing friends .
Golf, holes
However, around the world, there are some holes so long that they can’t be reached in three shots: par 6 holes. According to the USGA definition, a par 6 hole must be at least 610 meters long. These courses require the average player to make a drive and two layups with a wood or iron before even hitting his shots onto the green, putting a strain on his long game skills.
While playing on the green is undoubtedly the most exciting part of golf, the true core of golf course architecture is variety. In fact, being forced to take many long shots can be an intriguing test if presented infrequently.
In conclusion, if you are a golfer and have attempted a par 6 hole, you know that it is not only a challenge, but also a unique and stimulating experience. Snake-long holes are often used as a marketing strategy to attract more golfers with the catchy slogan: “Come play the longest hole in the world.” But in general, unless there are special reasons, par 3, par 4 and par 5 holes are more than enough to test a golfer’s skills.
The challenge in designing such a long hole is that the longer it is, the more players’ strategies multiply based on their length. A professional might cover 610 meters in two shots, while an average golfer might take 5 or 6.
The obstacles must be positioned so that they are in play for everyone. But, with such an extreme length, the hole risks becoming a tedious corridor. The main problem with par 6 holes is space. Finding an area to create such a long and interesting fairway naturally is extremely difficult.
So, instead of one very long hole, it is often better to include two shorter but more challenging holes. Although rare, on our planet there are a few dozen superior golf holes: the so-called “par 6s”. And among the most famous, that of the Gunsan Country Club, in South Korea, deserves a special mention.
This splendid setting is famous not only for its majestic initial hole, a par 6 that extends over 650 metres, but above all for the extraordinary eleventh hole, a par 7 which extends for 1100 meters and is considered the only one of its kind in the world.
A breathtaking experience for the most demanding golfers who unfortunately rarely have the opportunity to venture into this type of challenge.
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